Friday, October 12, 2012

MAS110 Photo Essay: John Mathews (42886767) & Jonathan Saad (42861012)

John Mathews & Jonathan Saad 

Our theme, Skyscrapers, is aimed to shed a new light on the ‘everyday atheistic’ on societies common and un-recognized beauties. It hopes to portray how society should concentrate on these marvelous mega-structures not as common aspects to society but rather an achievement in not only architecture but engineering as well.

Researching the artistic developments and representation of structures I stumbled across a quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “I call architecture frozen music.” The methods in which the buildings are designed whether being old or modern are all have a sense of fluency and patterns to them that seem to create a composition, just like a song.  This is what’s is attempted through the editing and framing of the photos as each one represents the shape or the patterned structure designed for the skyscraper. The texture is amplified through black and white edits as well as being highly contrasted against the sky as well as the different shading of the buildings windows and structural elements.

The soundtrack for the video was composed using apples royalty free software GarageBand. Apple remix jam pack was used; the jam pack is an additional 2000 loops for the software. It took time searching through hundreds of drum, synthesizer and techno loops before ultimately choosing the appropriate sounds that would suit the theme. The track was intended to be very surreal which appeals to the black and white nature; also timing was key in getting it down to 30 seconds. Later upon layer of instruments were made (5 instrument loops were used), speaker adjustments were also made so that one of the techno loops would come out of the left speaker only. Certain sounds were more dominant in the volume control, while others remained much quieter in the background.

Music composed by John Mathews on GarageBand Loops

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (2012)  “I call architecture frozen music.” Viewed the 20 September 2012, Accessed via:

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