Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photo Essay:Street Signs - Paola Dominguez 42937256 Tara Aguiar 42875943

Our theme, Street Signs, reflects the notion of the ‘everyday aesthetics’ by showing how society is ordered and follows rules and regulations, and how these conventions are addressing us how to behave. It also displays how we branch away from them.

 As Susan Murray describes in her article Digital Images, Photo Sharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics: “the everyday image, as it has become less about the special or rarefied moments of domestic living and more about an immediate…and framing of the small and mundane”(2008, pp. 147). This quote can highlight how street signs, usually mundane, can be now be seen though a different perspective, showing how something from the “everyday” can become something more distinctive, allowing the viewer to discover the particular aesthetic within the entity. 

An example of how signs can transform from the mundane to the distinct can be seen in the sign displayed at 0:11. This street sign displays how society, through all its structure and order, shows a sense of originality and expression through the use of graffiti, or in this case posters and stickers. We can also see how signs are made to stand out and grab a person’s attention (as displayed in 0:03). This drawing of the eye exhibits how signs try to step out of the everyday environment to either warn, direct, or notify those around it to its presence.


Music – “VA Riding (Single Edit)” by DJ Harrison Available at “ Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonComercial-NonDerivs3.0Unported CC BY-NC-TND3.0 Accessed 9.10.12

Murray, S (2008) Digital Image, Photo Sharing, and Our Shifting Notions of Everyday Aesthetics in Journal of Visual Culture Vol 7(2) pp. 147-163.

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