Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hey I'm Holly. Finished High School in 2010. Was doing arts last year at Sydney Uni, but decided I wanted to study something more specific, so here I am in a Bachelor of Laws with Arts in Media.
I live in Avalon, which is on the tip of the northern beaches, and waitress at a restaurant up that way.
I don't really have any experience in this area! But I'm interested in it nonetheless :)
I'm intrigued by the influence media asserts over our perception of reality and our values, and also by the political undercurrents of media.
Love music, film, tv and art generally too so hopefully this was the right choice!

Here's a link to a song by a quirky young lass called Grimes. The clip is original - a quality the vast majority of music videos these days seem to lack..

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