Monday, August 6, 2012

Intro: Tara Aguiar

Hi everyone, my name is Tara Aguiar. I am 18 years old and in my first year at Macquarie studying a Bachelor of Arts (Writing) with a Bachelor of Education (Primary).
i enjoy reading, drawing, writing, reading manga and watching anime and movies. I love plain games, though i'm not always good at games such as C.O.D and Halo.
I'm very outgoing and energetic, though very shy at times. I love being active and even have a black belt in Taekwondo. i plan on starting up a new martial arts soon.
 I have two Pomerainians named Teddy and Nina, they sort of look like little lions sometimes. it's really adorable!
As my mum used to be a computer analyst at IBM i know quite a bit about computers and even studied it for the HSC and did IT & Society as my planet unit last semester.

Here is a video of some Taekwondo shuffling. it's really cool, and no i cannot to those flips. i really wish i could, but i can break wood like they do though  :p

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