Monday, August 6, 2012


My name is John, I left high school in 2009. In early 2010 I went to UTS to study media, however an opportunity to work at apple came up so I took it. For the past 2.5 years I have been working at Apple Sydney, I was promoted to an "EXPERT". I know petty much everything there is to know about apple technology and software as I am apple certified in nearly every apple app including final cut pro and aperture, also doing classes and personal training on apple. 
 I ultimately decided that I wanted to continue my study in media and grow my career in the media field. I still work at apple. I like playing video games ( I actually consider myself a hardcore gamer with every console and been gaming since I was 5 years old) I like a range of video games but mainly the more obscure ones (one of my favs is killer7), I like film thats why I am studying media .I love a large range of cinema, from art house (El topo) to foreign (Kurosawa classics), my favorite genre would have to be 80's horror with (such classics as basket case, dawn of the dead, re animator and evil dead) and italian horror (zombi 2, cemetery man, the beyond). My favorite genre of music is Hip hop loving the various versions of the genre (old school east coast, hardcore, east coast, g funk...etc) and the history behind the genre. 

To show the type of horror films I like here a trailer for the classic Re animator from 1985. If you are offended by cheesy 80's horror gore please don't watch:

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