Monday, August 6, 2012

Kristen Nolan - About Me

Hey Everyone!!

My name is Kristen, and I am currently studying the Bachelor of Marketing and Media, after transferring from the Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Marketing. I will probably be a little older than the rest of you guys, after finishing school in 2009. I currently work at BEST and LESS as a casual retail assistant, in between uni. 

Here is a picture of my PRETTY orange car, which I have named, Larry the Mountain Lion, after purchasing him second hand from an individual in the Blue Mountains. 

This bottom picture reminds me of my car, mwa ha haaaaa! But don't get the wrong idea, I hate cats, and am more of a dog person :) 

The following is a link of my favorite song at the moment, "We are Young", by Fun.

Thanks for reading guys! 

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