Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Intro Jonathan Saad

Hey guys, I'm Jonathan and I am a first year, fresh out of high school, Bachelor of Arts -Media student and I hope to get into screen production  and screen writing. I do like to make blogs and join causes that usually help save people that are less fortunate or save animals as well as make short films / scripts. I did once get banned from Japan for signing a green peace treaty, but that's another story in its self. I am a music, book, travel and film junkie, I like to just sit down and watch films on end as well watching the special features on the production of it. I love horror (unless its religious, then I actually get scared) , indie, action and those feel good romance movies (don't judge) and anything that has good cinematography and a plot that expresses or questions concepts on life / religion or technology. The most beautifully composed movie I have watched in most recent memory was the Tree of Life by Terrence Malik... Here's the trailer:


And if you read this... Thanks & Hi :D

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